Molière strokes in a ‘digital alerts’ version

Digitization is today an increasingly essential and inevitable part of the success of any business. And if the pandemic did anything for this virtualization, it was to accelerate a process that was already underway. With social distance and the possibility of new (and more localized) confinements still on the horizon, the holding of small or large “live” events around the world, such as the Olympic Games, had to be postponed or even canceled. However, as everything in life, the most attentive and dynamic did not stay still, finding innovative ways to get on stage online without much difficulty. The truth is that, when well planned, digital events can be (almost) as impactful and memorable as in the real world. And, even in the middle of a pandemic, the opportunities are there to be seized. The secret is to be flexible, creative, and to adapt processes and mentalities. And, while some companies and brands are still studying this transition, many others have already migrated online permanently – where they offer robust and profitable business models and solutions. More, if our audiences expect an increasingly appealing proposal in the digital world, it is our obligation to ensure that this migration is perceived as the result of a brand strategy and not as mere desperate attempt not to be left out. Tomorrowland, one of the best-known electronic music festival, which has reinvented itself to provide a fully digital experience, or EA, a popular video game distributor that organized a fully online event to launch its long-awaited new games, are two good examples of how commitment and ingenuity have no limits.

Photo by Keo Oran on Unsplash

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